Tuesday, January 15, 2013


When a church received one of Paul’s letters, it was read out loud to the entire congregation.  There were no printing presses back then in the 1st Century.  Scribes would painstakingly copy EVERY SINGLE WORD by hand so that these letters could be sent to other churches to be read out loud to their congregations.   This was the ONLY way to get the message out.
Today, it is so easy to share a message, whether it’s our own or someone else’s:
·     You can post on FaceBook in a status or in a note.  Anyone can click “share”, or even copy/paste it into their own status or note.  You can even tag people in it so that more people can see it. People can like it or comment on it.
·       You can text it to someone, even in a group message or mass text.  To share it, it’s as easy as hitting “forward” or copying and pasting it in a new text to send out.
·       You can type a note or create an ad and post it on Instagram.  People can “like” it or even share it by saving the pic and reposting.
·       You can tweet it on Twitter and people can keep retweeting it or making it a “favorite”
·       You can take a picture of a message and text it, email it, Instagram it, tweet it, share it on FaceBook, or even on Pinterest.
·      You can send your message in an email or mass emails, and those people can keep forwarding it on.
·      You can blog about it and anyone can forward it or share a link to the blog. 
·      You can create a YouTube video or a podcast and post it.
·      You can send your story to the newspaper or go on TV and announce it on the news, in commercials, or infomercials.
·     You can call and leave someone a voicemail about it, or even send voice memos through text or email.
·     You can type out your message and fax it anywhere in the world, even by computer.
·     You can type out your message, make thousands of copies on a copy machine and mail them all out. 
·      You can create a website or FaceBook page to get your message out.
·      You can use any of the above to cross-promote any of the above.

If you have something to say and want to share it with the world, the possibilities are endless with technology today!!

When was the last time you gave someone a handwritten letter or card?  Not typed… HANDWRITTEN!  How would you feel if they just tossed it aside or threw it away, or didn’t even bother reading it at all?

I know as ladies, we are usually more sentimental than men, so we tend to save and cherish special cards, letters, or notes from special people.  For the past 12 years I have carried inside my bible a copy of a poem that Chris hand wrote me.  The original poem is inside a picture frame at home.  No doubt most of you have done the same thing, because you know just how much time, love, and care it took to write them.  How ironic is it that I cherish this poem and keep it inside a bible that I SHOULD cherish even more, but continually fail to!

These letters that Paul wrote were so important because of the time and care it took for Paul to write them in the first place, knowing just how much work it would take for the scribes to copy them, have them delivered, and read aloud to other churches afterward.  THAT is how we know that EVERY SINGLE WORD in these letters were and are very important today.  There is NOTHING in any of those letters that could have been left out, otherwise Paul would have left them out just so the scribes wouldn’t have to hand write anything more than necessary.  Every word in these letters were deliberately written for all of us.  That’s why we should cherish them the way we cherish silly little notes that someone gives to us. 
The danger about us and our society today is we can easily take someone’s words for granted nowadays.  It’s so easy to just scroll past someone’s status or tweet, or to delete someone’s email or text.  WHY?  Because it was so easy to share these thoughts. It doesn’t take “that much work” to speak out anymore, so it’s no big deal!  Sadly, to a lot of people, bibles are now just mass produced “stories”…so we don’t even pay attention to it or RESPECT it like it deserves.  If we do take the time to read it, we skim over it, we don’t dig deep, and we don’t take it apart to figure out what it actually means to us…what God is saying to us.  We just read it and move on.  
The bible consists of letters and teachings that people took the time and care to write to us and for us.  God is speaking to us through these people.  These are HIS love letters to US.  We should cherish His word more than we cherish a simple letter or card or poem that we keep tucked away inside the bible that we hardly open! 
Let this year be the year that we truly read and study the bible the way we should.  Our prayer to God should be Psalm 119:18:


Our HOMEWORK for this week is to read Philippians.  Yes, the entire book…which is only 4 short chapters J Then, over the next several months we will pick it apart so we can truly understand what God wants to tell us. 
As you read it, do the following:
  1. Write down any repeated words, phrases, or ideas you notice.
  2. Write down any questions that come to mind so we can discuss later.

Then answer the following:
  1. What are the circumstances in Paul’s life when he writes this letter?
  2. What is going on in the lives of the people of Philippi (the church) when Paul writes this letter?
  3. What is the overall tone of this letter?
  4. Why did Paul write this letter to the church at Philippi?
Do you want a real challenge??  Try HAND WRITING the entire letter (Philippians Chapters 1-4) to see just how much work it took for Paul and the scribes to get this letter to the churches.  Then imagine doing that for the entire bible.  Now that is a real love letter!


Tuesday, October 23, 2012



Where do you hope to be in 10 years? What do you want your life to look like?

Most people make the most life-changing decisions in their lives between the ages 18 and 22: college or join the workforce, where to go to college and why, what to study, who to date, if you should get married, join the military, or where you should live. So many decisions! Sometimes it's just so difficult to figure out the right decision.

So how do you know if a decision is the right one?

Trust in the Lord with all your heart
    and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways submit to him,
    and he will make your paths straight.

Scripture talks about the futility of making decisions without seeking God's wisdom.


Today, we'll be diving into what James said about that and how it applies to our lives.
Read JAMES 4:13-14
13 Now listen, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city, spend a year there, carry on business and make money.” 14 Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes.

To whom was James talking?

Jewish businessmen

What decisions were these people making? 

They decided they would go to another city, spend a year there, and make profit. They knew what they would do, where they would do it, when they would it, and why they would do it. But they did NOT consult God in any of those decisions.

Think about tomorrow… Who are you going to see? What are you going to do? Where are you going to be at a certain time? When? Why? etc.

Why did James think this approach to life was wrong?

We can't even tell exactly what tomorrow will bring. You cannot predict what will happen in your life. It may bring great happiness—or great sorrow.  All of us need God's wisdom, perspective, and direction for the decisions we make because no one knows what tomorrow will bring.
Leaving God out of your plans is a bad idea— only He knows what tomorrow will bring.

In verse 14, what did James call these people (and us)?
…A MIST that appears for a little while and then vanishes.

This is another reason for humbly submitting our lives to God.
Hopefully this doesn't discourage you. James wasn't trying t say that your life is meaningless like a puff of smoke, here today and gone instantly. He also is not telling us that we shouldn't plan for our future and think ahead. Rather, he was trying to help you to understand that your life is short and frail, and because your life is grain of sand in the ocean of eternity, it would be foolish and unwise to plan it out and live it out without seeking God's will and purpose.

Time is short, so spend it wisely. And the only way to live wisely is under God's guidance.

The people that James wrote to apparently ignored God's wisdom because they were choosing to leave Him out of their decisions. In essence, they were setting themselves up as ruler of their own lives. They had decided that they knew what was best and therefore didn't need God's input, wisdom, or guidance.

If you met someone like that, how would you describe him/her? How would you feel about him/her?
To say you know what is best and don't need any help is the very definition of pride or arrogance.

Remember James 4:6?
 But he gives us more grace. That is why Scripture says:
“God opposes the proud
    but shows favor to the humble.”
If God is opposed to pride, then the best approach to the future is to live in humility. So what did James tell us next?

James 4:15-16
15 Instead, you ought to say, “If it is the Lord’s will, we will live and do this or that.” 16 As it is, you boast in your arrogant schemes. All such boasting is evil.

Based on those two verses, what might be a good question to ask God about your life, not just in big decisions about the future, but also in the little decisions, too?

Living in humility before God means that you and I continually ask God, "What do you want me to do?" If you ask that question and sit long enough to listen for God's answer, He'll give it. 

Remember James 1: 5?
If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.

Think about some areas in your life that might need God's wisdom and direction. Ask God what He wants you to do both right now and in the future:
Boyfriend/future husband

Friendship with…

Argument with…

Money management



Relationship with parents

Spare time

17 If anyone, then, knows the good they ought to do and doesn’t do it, it is sin for them.

So what is the "good" James is talking about? Ideas?

Answer: God's will. When God tells you to do something and you don't do it, you are sinning against God. You're rebelling against what He wants. That applies to big things—like whom to marry or where to go to college—as well as the small things, like how you treat your parents or your sister/brother. 

How do we know God's will?

Check out these two websites: 


Just something to think about... "Incomplete obedience is disobedience."
Read: 1 Samuel 13:5-14; 1 Samuel 15 – Story about how King Saul disobeyed God.


James reminds us that life is short, therefore, let's live it for God-- that is the only way we'll live this life meaningfully. Let us acknowledge God in every plan, every dream, everything. Let us constantly seek His will and live in it. And if there are areas in our lives that are not according to His will, let us pray that He will reveal those areas to us and that we can surrender them to His perfect guidance and will. Our Father in heaven loves us and He knows our every need, every longing... He knows what's best for us and we can trust that He desires nothing else other than EVERYTHING that will make us happy. He desires that we will love Him too, most of all-- with all our hearts, our souls, our strengths, and our minds.

Study from: Gibbs, P. (2011). James: Faith under pressure. LifeWay Christian Resources.